Thursday, October 15, 2009

new moon..

i read the sequel to twilight novel which i find i like it as much as i like the first book..the style of writng is much more easy to understand..just my type of book..i am so crazy about this book i would purchase all 4..( one at the time of course)..just that in this book there is nopt much of edward more to jacob..huhu..but i like it also..there's a twist but at the end, still edward..i can't wait to read the next set..huhu..


Misz wanNie

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


recently, i read this book twilight..about's been a while since i read english novel..i love this book and actually in love with i'm gonna get him..the character remaid me of someone..getting this wonder this is the best selling book outdating harry potter..hehe..( sorry to harry potter fans)..just love this book..i would love to suggest this book..hehe..
Misz wanNie